UC TAG Rules Slimmed Down for Fall 2025
Six of the University of California campuses offer a transfer admission guarantee (TAG) to California Community College (CCC) students provided…
10 Easiest Transfer Majors: UCI, UCD, UCSB (2023)
Transferring to Your Dream UC As part of a series on the Top Ten easiest majors for transfer students at…
10 Easiest Transfer Majors: UC Berkeley, UCLA, UCSD (2023)
The non-popular UC majors We all know those majors that a tremendous amount of students covet. These popular majors at all…
4 Majors in Cal’s College of Computing, Data Science and Society
The College of Computing, Data Science and Society (CDSS) is the first new college at Cal in 50 years. Its…
How to Satisfy College Level Language
The seven course GE plan in Berkeley's College of Letters and Science, as well as select majors at various UCs…
Berkeley’s American History, Institutions & Culture Requirements
American History and Institutions Requirements Berkeley students must enroll in an American History and Institutions course (usually more than one…
Common App – Preparing for a New Academic Year
Below are details on how to keep your Common App information current. Account rollover Every August 1, Common App launches…
UC Campuses Open for Winter/Spring Admission 2025
Campuses open for winter/spring 2025 UC Merced, UC Riverside and UC Santa Cruz are accepting transfer applications for winter quarter/spring…
Haas Undergrad 7 Course Breadth Requirement
Below is the 7 course general education plan for Berkeley's undergrad Haas Business School. Haas does not accept IGETC. Complete…
Berkeley’s L&S 7 Course Breadth Requirements
The University of California at Berkeley College of Letters and Science has updated its Breadth requirements. This post is geared…
Rich Lyons Appointed Chancellor at UC Berkeley
Even though I have never net Rich Lyons, I am more than excited that he will be Berkeley's new Chancellor,…
UC Admissions and the Next Steps to Follow
UC admission updates and resources Admission decision season is here! Campuses have notified first-year/freshman applicants of their admission status. Some…