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CA College Transfer
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 25 reviews
 by Tom G

Our son was struggling as a transfer student. He was just struggling, period. Lindy provided some amazing advice and help on his college essays and effectively refused to accept my attempts to pay her for all her time. (She spent 5+ hours, charged us for 2 ish)
Lindy is really amazing and I wouldn’t think twice about hiring her again.

Griffin was accepted to every UC he applied to, and will now attend Berkeley. Thank you so much. This has been life changing.

 by Ghada

Lindy has been so professional and prompt in assisting both my kids through their UC transfer applications. She is so knowledgeable and easy to deal with. Thank you so much Lindy. We really appreciate you and highly recommend your services

 by MD

My freshman application to UC Berkeley (fall 2023 cycle) was rejected last March. I was hopeless in writing my appeal until I found Lindy online. She helped me outline and revise my letter once I wrote the first draft on my own. I didn't just feel like another one of her clients; I felt like Lindy genuinely cared about me and my feelings throughout the appeal process. I ultimately received an acceptance to UC Berkeley just a week before move-in last fall, and I couldn't be happier at Cal. Lindy is your best bet if you plan to appeal your UC decision!

 by H.N

Hi Lindy! I just wanted to let you know that I got into UCBerkeley - my dream school (and all the UCs I've applied to)!!! Thank you so much for all your help last year. I am very grateful for every comment and advice you gave me. You made my PIQs look stunning!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!

 by Anonymous

Lindy was absolutely pivotal in my transfer journey as an economics/business economics major. I knew my major was competitive, but Lindy not only helped my unique personal story shine but aided my transfer and any questions I had along the way. As a result, I was accepted into all the UCs including UCB for Economics and UCLA for Business Economics. It was clear that Lindy was as invested in my transfer journey as I was, and I know I couldn’t have done it without her. If you are looking to transfer from a community college to a top school I would look no further.

 by yessam

She is rude when she's done dealing with you-- instead of letting me know she needed to charge me more money for my questions, she became very rude and treated me like I was taking advantage of her--which is odd since I paid her every time she asked!! I have NEVER been talked to like that and have NEVER had someone treat me as if I wouldn't pay for information. Such a shame, but no one needs to deal with rude people in their lives, not when there are other avenues of information! Will gladly pay someone else for this.

This lady paid for half an hour because she didn't want to pay an hour. I usually do not do half an hour but I did for her. She then (in my estimation) took extreme advantage, texting me at all hours non-stop. She then paid for another half hour and did the same. And she would want me to stop everything and call her right then and there. She also was desperate to get her kid into Cal.  The kid wanted gaming. I said there was no gaming at Cal, and CS was massively impacted and since she had flunked the first two calc courses three times each, it would be a hard sell. She then literally went down the list of majors with me on the phone --   oh, maybe architecture, maybe Japanese (although she had never taken Japanese and needed intermediate level),maybe Landscape Architecture, Religious Studies. But for each one she would insist that she would need to transfer the kid to CS because she had to do GAMING and I  would say that would not happen because of her math, the fact that not all required courses were complete and the impossibility of switching to CS.  She would not drop it. It was an endless circle. I gave her two pretty good options, the paths of which I detailed:  Linguistics (with a focus on AI) or Interdisciplinary Studies where she could create a blend of of disciplines, including CS. Both needed none to two requirements that could easily be completed in fall. That was not good enough. I also suggested other UC options to fulfill her desire fort gaming, which were not acceptable to her. When she then contacted me again demanding I call her right NOW because she had a new idea for a major I said I did not want to continue. I noted that my patience had worn thin with her texting me repeatedly and I had done way over what was required, and there was nothing else to add.  She did offer to pay more but I said no. She then sent me a nasty message and posted up here. You can read my upcoming blog post on difficult parents who do their kids a profound disservice by trying to force a UC on them, in this case trying to grab an irrelevant major that the student has no interest in.

 by A.P.

Hi Ms. King,

Hope you are doing well.

I just wanted to let you know that I got into UC Berkeley and just wanted to thank you for all of your support with my essays. I really appreciate everything you have done for me.

 by Anonymous

I just wanted to update you on my Berkeley appeal and also thank you for all your help! I was offered admission to Berkeley for Spring 2022! Thank you so much for all the help in writing my appeal and navigating the appeal process. Once again, thank you and feel free to use my story as an example for future applicants. Thank you again.

 by Anonymous

I got into CogSci at UCLA as well as Berkeley and all other UCs.  My sister also got into UCLA and other UCs. Both of us are planning to attend UCLA in the fall.

 by Proud Dad

I would like to express my gratitude to you for guiding my daughter through the UC transfer process. More than that, you helped us through a crisis and changed her life. As you know, she applied to UC Berkeley, UCLA, UCSD, UCSB and UC Davis.  And she was accepted to every single one.  She is now trying to decide between Berkeley and UCLA.She was on tenterhooks the days before the acceptance letters.  And when they came in one after another, any self doubts she had been harboring drifted away.  She has now become incredibly optimistic about her future for the first time.  It has been an enormous transformation.  I am so proud and happy for her.Thank you so much for your kindness, your hard work, your expertise and for sharing your thoughts and opinions with us throughout the process.  We couldn't have navigated through this journey without you.

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