UC Personal Insights Summer Special
Thanks to those of you asking what was going on with the site. As you can see, we’ve updated the design and what was supposed to be a relatively seamless process took about three days, but now it’s up and running and better than ever. So I’m back to the blog posts.
UC Personal Insight Questions Special
Throughout most of the summer I am offering a special on the new Personal Insight Questions. Until August 16, you can get full support on question development for $100.
The Personal Insights are new for this fall, so how it will shake out is still in speculation mode. But the Insights essentially follow the same path as the two previous Personal Statement essays, simply divided now into four sections. In the past, only five UCs read the Personal Statements for transfer admissions purposes (Berkeley, UCLA, UCSD, Merced and Riverside). Whether this will change or not with the Personal Insights is unknown.
But still, be aware that for highly selective majors where the specific department has a say in the admissions process, the department may look at the essay/questions to differentiate between equally impressive applicants.
The Personal Insights Special – $100:
- help with the selection of the 4 questions, with a focus on the questions most beneficial to your situation
- guidance with content, including tips that might fall into a particular UC’s mindset
- follow-up and read-throughs
- Price increases on August 16, 2016
This is a great deal, and as the Personal Insights are new and I’m just getting a feel for the time commitment, the price will probably rise significantly in the future.
An overview is also available in the video, below. Be sure to SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube page
for more videos on the transfer process.
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