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GPA Calculator

How Does the UC Calculate GPA

Q:  I am still confused about GPA. Do they look at the total GPA or just the transferable courses? There are so many definitions.

The UCs initially factor in the GPA from every single course, just because that is what the automated system does when you submit the online application, but it really doesn’t mean anything. The meat of the matter is later, when they whittle it down to just the UC-transferable GPA. This is based on what courses can be applied to their campus. So if a course is not transferable, for instance any remedial courses (such as intermediate algebra or lower level ESL) those grades will not be calculated into the UC-transferable GPA.   –>  By the way, remedial means below college level.

Some other GPA terms

Cumulative GPA is the total UC-transferable GPA.

Major GPA is the GPA of just those courses listed on that are required for your major. Currently, UCLA is the only UC to consider major GPA when it evaluates applications. The other UCs do not — in general — look at major GPAalthough some very selective majors, such as Berkeley’s Business Administration (Haas)  may factor in major GPA. 

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Lindy is an independent UC admissions consultant, who works with both transfers and freshmen. She also has just completed her first novel, a supernatural thriller set in San Francisco.

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