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UC Transfer Academic Update and Supplementals

For those of you who applied to the UCs as a transfer for fall 2018, the transfer academic update is now open online.


First off, all of you fall 2018 applicants must go online between now and January 31 and re-enter your fall courses with final grades, as well as all your upcoming courses for winter and/or spring terms — even if they are the same courses you listed in the November application. If you have changed your course plan since the November application, add the new courses. A change in schedule will not impact your chances unless by making a change you now have a requirement left unfulfilled. If you feel you need to explain anything, do so in the additional comments.

The TAU is not the place to talk about things prior to fall 2107. Any changes or alerts regarding other aspects of the application (inaccurate grades listed, courses missing, colleges missing, etc) need to be sent via email to: [email protected].

Failure to fill out the TAU will likely jeopardize your admission.  Look for the TAU link in your portal.

Augmented Review/Supplementals

During this next month or so, you might also get a request from some of the UCs to answer some supplemental questions.  This is what they call an Augmented Review, or a Supplemental.

There are three types of supplementals:

  • hardship/disability
  • talent or accomplishment
  • academic borderline

The first two are sent out because something in your application indicated hardship, disability or accomplishment.  Getting a request doesn’t mean anything one way or the other.  If you don’t get a supplemental and mentioned one of the above, they likely have all they need to know.  And keep in mind, not every UC sends out Augmented Reviews.

The academic borderline is the supplemental where your response will have the most impact on whether or not you’re admitted. Borderlines mean just that – you’re on the fence.  They aren’t sure yet which pile to put you in. How you answer can have a profound impact.  It is crucial to nail this one.

You usually have five days to answer, and be sure to answer them in the allotted time.  If you want more information, or are not sure which supplemental you got, I talk about the Augmented Review in more detail in the second part of this post. I also offer two Augmented Review services, during which I will examine your entire application and essays and work with you on supplying the best responses. You can read about my services here.

Berkeley has additional forms

Berkeley, always the contrarian, has extra forms to fill out. These must be submitted or your application may get rejected.  Look in your portal for the link. You can read more about the Cal form here.


Comments (4)

  1. Should I get in contact with the UCs if I didn’t submit the amended TAU until March? I did the Berkeley portion in January when they sent me an email but the UC prompt went in my spam and I didn’t find it until March. My Honors adviser said that since the portal was still open then that means they haven’t reviewed my application yet (transfer from Pasadena CC) and it shouldn’t be an issue. I’m pretty bummed because I can’t improve my GPA (3.92) much, I’m TAP and IGETC certified, and I’ve already completed my pre-reqs and Honors program. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

    1. Whoo boy. Yes, contact them right away. The way it works is priority is given to students filling TAU Jan 1-30. You can still update after that (which is why it has remained open) but the first entry needs to be in January. Berkeley will DEFINITELY have issues. Contact them all ASAP and include your final grades for fall and all courses since then in the email to each. Good luck!

  2. I contacted all the UCs I applied to and they said it was okay as long as I proceed with my planned coursework. In fact, I just got Regents from UC-Irvine so they must not have been too bothered! I believe it may be down to the fact I was out-of-the country in the Fall and so I had nothing to update. Thank you so much for replying to my initial post. Cheers.

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Lindy is an independent UC admissions consultant, who works with both transfers and freshmen. She was a former print journalist and writes fiction under a pen name.

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