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Top 20 Best Shot Majors at UCLA | CA College Transfer Skip to content
UCLA Royce Hall

Top 20 Best Shot Majors at UCLA

You may have already seen my Best Shot Majors for UC Berkeley and have here compiled a Top 20 list for UCLA.  This criteria is based on Transfer data for fall 2022.

While there is no co-existing data for freshman, this table still provides valuable information, as the ease of admittance will be on par, although the admit rate itself will be lower.

As is the case across all UCs, you will notice that language-related majors almost always have close to the highest admit rates, and for reasons that surprises me in this day and age, so do the environmental majors.

Below are my Top 20 Best Shot Majors for UCLA

African-American Studies46%
American Indian Studies57%
Chicana and Chicano Studies45%
Gender Studies54%
Latin American Studies50%
Computational and Systems Biology50%
Art History52%
Comparative Literature45%
European Language and Transcultural Studies56%
Linguistics - English50%
Applied Liguistics64%
Geography/Environmental Studies56%
Cognitive Science50%
Mathematics of Computation55%

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Lindy is an independent UC admissions consultant, who works with both transfers and freshmen. She also has just completed her first novel, a supernatural thriller set in San Francisco.

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